Leaky Faucets, Ceiling Fans, and Water Heaters.

The last two weeks have been a little hectic at the Johnson house.  It all started when we ran out of hot water during my shower one morning.  With six people in the house, this is not unusual.  But when my husband called me that afternoon and said we didn’t have hot water, I knew it wasn’t going to be pretty.  Three days later, we had a new water heater.  We also got the leaky faucet in the master bathroom fixed.  Yesterday, my husband came home with a new ceiling fan.  The light in our bedroom hasn’t worked in a month.  We’ve been doing everything by lamp light. So, we tackled the feat of installing the new one.  When we turned the light on once we were done, we were so amazed at how bright it was.

In some ways all these things relate to life.  Sometimes we get so used to doing things our way (the wrong way) that even thinking about changing things are hard to do.  But once we surrender ourselves to Christ and let Him be Lord of our life, it’s like turning on the overhead light after a month of lamp light.  We have to take the first step to have that personal relationship with Jesus; take down the old ceiling fan no matter how much you like it and don’t want to part with it.  The new one is so much better.